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I have a pdf file with a lot of different detail shaft in it. They also are on different heights and the building varies in height aswell. I want to know how many cubic meters the shafts are. Because the building heights varies alot it takes alot of time if I would specify all the heights by hand.

Is it a way I just could decide a height so I could "stamp" out the shaft and get the m3?

At the moment I extrapolated the pdf and set the same heights around in the pdf. The depth decide the  amount I need to cut but ofcourse it doesn't get the right value if I dont have the exact height around. I need a work around this.
(05-19-2022, 12:05 PM)Newuser Wrote: [ -> ]Hi!
I have a pdf file with a lot of different detail shaft in it. They also are on different heights and the building varies in height aswell. I want to know how many cubic meters the shafts are. Because the building heights varies alot it takes alot of time if I would specify all the heights by hand.

Is it a way I just could decide a height so I could "stamp" out the shaft and get the m3?

At the moment I extrapolated the pdf and set the same heights around in the pdf. The depth decide the  amount I need to cut but ofcourse it doesn't get the right value if I dont have the exact height around. I need a work around this.


Welcome to the forums

It sounds like it should be possible with copy and pasting to create multiple versions of the shafts.   Is it possible to upload a image of the site plan so I can get a better idea of the situation.

You should be able to do it on this forum by selecting 'Choose Files' in the attachments section at the bottom of the post editor and then click 'Add Attachement' to insert it into the post.  I should be able to come up with some ideas and send you some step by step instructions and screenshots back.  

If the site plans are confidential maybe do a sketch and take a photo and I can go off of that. 
