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Full Version: [HELP] 2019 Crashing at outline creation
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Hi all,
My Kubla 2019 keeps crashing when trying to apply creation of a Manual (but auto calculated) outline of Design Contours.
The design contour has ~4000
It has an Existing surface uploaded via DXF. 
This is the point before it closes. Once I click OK, the program just disappears.
Note it also crashes if I manually draw a smaller area (jsut around the lower basin).
Any ideas?
[Image: s0gg0BQ.png]
I have tried only selecting the layer for major contour lines, resulting in only 35 lines on the surfaces, rather than 4000. Program still crashes.
(04-30-2019, 06:04 AM)conradccb Wrote: [ -> ]UPDATE:
I have tried only selecting the layer for major contour lines, resulting in only 35 lines on the surfaces, rather than 4000. Program still crashes.

Hi Conrad

I am not 100% sure what is going on here.  It must be some problem with triangulation or perhaps validation of the contours.  The surface looks detailed but not that complicated.  It is not one I would expect to cause problems.

Can you send the .kcp file and CAD file through to us : https://www.kublasoftware.com/contact-us/ then we can examine it in more detail and should be able to get you a workaround.  We are working on a V5.5 for May so should be able to include a fix in that also.