(08-05-2018, 04:05 PM)Marcus Wrote: Firstly a big thumbs up for the latest updates; I love the continued improvements you make to the software.
Regards possible future ideas, I have had the following problem.
I sometimes work on large housing projects (100+ properties). For each house I place a platform with a level and an offset to reach the desired formation levels. On my last scheme I applied an offset of 0.6m. Later this was amended to 0.5m. This meant going through all 100 platforms and individually changing the offset.
Perhaps it would be possible to select multiple platforms at once so the change can be applied in one go?
Hi Marcus
Thanks for the feedback, always good to hear the challenges of using Kubla Cubed on real projects.
We have looked into a couple of ways of accomplishing this challenge. There is going to be a bit of a redesign of Kubla Cubed in 2019-2020, producing the "next generation" of Kubla Cubed which will include features for material break down eventually (bore holes etc...) this is the master plan

. In the next generation of Kubla Cubed you will solve these problems in a number of ways : by linking properties, by grouping elements and also all elements will have the same boundary definition method as the Feature Surface so there will be a number of options. However Kubla Cubed 2018 though is going to be built on the current design though and focused on other areas.
So for the mean time I can suggest that you can define clusters of platforms with a feature surface and then you can adjust them all as one. A fixed level outline with no internal points\breaks\contours in a feature surface is the same as a platform. So say if you had a 20 buildings that you knew would share the same construction thickness you could define them with 20 fixed level outlines in the feature surface, and then control the single offset accordingly. Of course it might not always be so simple, if you don't know in advance which houses will share the same construction thickness.