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Feature request - Phase manager


Hi J.Hugelier,

Welcome to the forums!

Within Kubla Cubed 2021, there are two ways to move the phases. The first is to right click and then select 'Move Left' or 'Move Right'. The other option is to hold the left mouse button down and then drag the phase to the new position.

We are currently implementing a large number of new features that originate from user's product requests; we will add your suggestion for a phase manager to the list for future consideration. In the medium term, Kubla Cubed 2023, when released, will be able to help with your current issue.

Kubla Cubed 2023 will feature the ability to disable elements. So you would be able to disable all elements in all phases, make your changes to the phase order and then enable the elements again. This will help, because the disabled elements will not be included in the calculations.


Messages In This Thread
Feature request - Phase manager - by J.Hugelier - 05-08-2023, 08:37 AM
RE: Feature request - Phase manager - by Rich Howes - 05-09-2023, 10:32 AM

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