(01-22-2019, 11:06 PM)TimO Wrote: Hello All,
Any news on the 2019 release?
Hi Tim
Hoping for the end of next week. Just polishing the last few things now

. Here is a copy\paste from the update log to give you a taste of what is in store :
Kubla Cubed 2019 (Version 5.0)
New Features
+ Introduction of a new measure panel for simple count, length and area take-off. Measures are listed in the 'Input Data' exports.
+ New 'volume region' element also included in the measure panel that allows for cut & fill to be reported in different areas of a phase. A region within a region will be handled intelligently, the outer region will be calculated with the inner region excluded and then the inner region will also be calculated.
+ Implemented new point snapping options into the 'Edit' menu, enabling the snapping of points to grid intervals or to other boundary points.
+ Implemented copy\paste for a variety of different data types. Previously this was in beta and could only be accessed using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. The options are now integrated into the 'Edit' menu and are fully supported.
+ Allowed the editing of site plans and feature surfaces in the design view (previously edits were done in separate windows). The editor can still be popped out into a separate window if required. This improvement allows for a much better user experience when aligning features and site plans in relation to each other.
+ CAD imports\exports now support the popular DWG format using TARGA libraries from the Open Design Alliance.
+ Side slope batter angles can now be turned off meaning that earthworks elements can be joined to the ground or other earthworks elements using vertical side slopes. Previously a side batter of 0.01 had to be used to achieve a similar effect.
+ Updated the site plan move tool so that the target point can be picked on the screen. This is useful for aligning site plans together, as with the new editor multiple site plans can be viewed at once in the design view.
+ Phases can now be dragged and dropped in the list to change the phase order. Previously it was very laborious moving phases a number of places.
+ In the 3D views the mouse cursor can now show elevation and cut\fill information using ray tracing.
+ Panels on the side can now be expanded and collapsed by double-clicking, this can free up space in the design area.
+ Outline and break-line elevations can now be saved with no value. Blank values will be interpolated at calculation time. Points elevations managed in this way are often referred to as 'floating' and can make the editing of break-lines much easier for purposes of defining retaining walls and hard edges.
+ Updated break-line header in the feature surface to show range of break-line values.
+ Right click now un-selects elements in the side panel. This ensures consistency with selection in the design view.
+ Resolved issue of NAN values appearing in the earthworks estimation report in certain scenarios.
+ Resolved issue whereby a proposed surface could contain triangles outside the disturbance area.
+ Resolved a crash that could happen when opening a file, this could occur when the default project path had a value incompatible with Win32 OpenFileDialog.
Cross-Sections : We know some folk might be disappointed to not see cross-sections on there. Fear not though, we hope to release a X-Section Update Pack for all Kubla Cubed 2019 Professional users in the first quarter of 2019. Unfortunately it was just too challenging to fit it in this release as a lot of the other items overran.