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  Kubla Cubed 2017
Posted by: TimO - 07-05-2017, 01:28 PM - Replies (2)

Quick post to say that the 3D visualisation feature in KC2017 is brilliant and makes visualising both existing and proposed terrain a breeze.

Thank you to all the team [Image: thumbsup.png] for producing such great software.


Tim   [Image: biggrin.png]

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  Retaining Walls
Posted by: TimO - 06-26-2017, 04:38 PM - Replies (2)

Good afternoon,

I'm currently preparing a cut and fill project which has retaining walls which form stepped platforms. My question is, how do I allow for these retaining walls when I enter proposed levels?

It's probably very simple, but i've had a long day [Image: smile.png]



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Big Grin Mouse Pointer
Posted by: TimO - 06-22-2017, 03:46 PM - Replies (5)

Good afternoon All,

I was wondering if it would be possible to change the mouse pointer in existing and takeoff to a cross instead of a 'blob?'

Only cosmetic, but would feel as if your being a little more accurate.


Tim [Image: biggrin.png]

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  groundworks problem
Posted by: paschal - 06-22-2017, 01:28 PM - Replies (1)

we are trying out Kubla. 2nd day. managed to plot our existing ground using your video guides. our project has 101 houses with differing FFL's. do you have tutorials we can look at as we cant seem to make headway at all?

thank you

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  Earthworks help
Posted by: Garion - 05-17-2017, 01:59 PM - Replies (1)


I'm after a bit of help if possible, We have purchased Kubla today and I've been working on the cut and fill for a project we've just started.
I have all the existing levels set up no problem, but I was wondering is there a way to do a full proposed levels map (as you get in the surface tool) but using different areas? as I have different construction thicknesses (offsets) in various areas. At the moment I'm doing a surface for each different external surface I need to measure, but it would simplify things if I could do a full level plot then add my areas to it.
I would also like to know if there is a way to export (or find out) the cut and fill volumes in depth catagories, i.e. to fit in with SMM7 not exceeding .25m/1m/2m, 2-4m etc?


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  Bently MXRoad files
Posted by: TimO - 05-12-2017, 11:23 AM - Replies (2)

Good afternoon All,

I’ve noticed that some of the consultants who prepare road works contracts, use a product called Bentley MXRoad and supply survey data in a GENIO.TXT format.

I was wondering if anybody had come across this format? and if you have, is there a way of entering it into Kubla Cubed?



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  Help on Designing existing Terrain
Posted by: ehardoon - 05-04-2017, 01:07 PM - Replies (2)

I have designed the existing terrain and upon hitting the save button there are several data conflicts in my lines that come up in a window.  How do I find out which ones so I can make the changes.  It gives me a list but I am having difficulting finding out which ones they are.  Also I do not want to lose my work as I have spent over an defining the elevations with outlines, points, and countour line.  Please advise.  SEE ATTACHED SCREENSHOT.

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  Surveying and dxf
Posted by: Tsimaris - 04-11-2017, 07:00 AM - Replies (3)


I was searching for a software for volumetrics and I found Kubla Cubed.  Its looks easy enough which is a bonus but the available youtube videos do not provide much help (just my opinion) so therefore I am stuck.
I had my survey in a dxf file which I opened with Kubla.  I now want to calculate the volume, area, average depth and probably see the 3D representation but I cannot seem to find any actions to do that on the UI.

Any help with this?

Thank you.

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  Suggestion for path element
Posted by: TimO - 02-05-2017, 11:45 PM - Replies (4)

Evening all,
Is it possible to have a constant gradient  from A to B, no mater how many points are used to diliniate the route. As an example we may have a start level and finished level and we would like a constant gradient between both, but also have the ability to adjust the Z level to cover construction depth?
Only a thought, as it may become useful at sometime in the future.
Kind Regards

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  Extracting Elevation Data from PDF files (Contours, Spot Levels etc...)
Posted by: Ted Woods - 01-27-2017, 02:50 PM - Replies (8)

I have been looking into the process of extracting elevation data from PDF files into CAD data for use Kubla's takeoff module.

There are a number of issues that come up immediately as PDF files are not designed to store technical meta data. So technical complications often arise during the process. It should not be attempted with the expectation of perfect results every time. 

However it is a huge time saver potentially.  I have identified the following as items we could extract : 

  • Continuos Lines (Outlines, Breaks lines, Contour lines) : Perhaps the easiest element to extract from a PDF is a continous line (i.e one that is not dashed or dotted). These can be loaded into Kubla Cubed as contour lines, break lines or outlines. It is important to realise that the PDF lines contain no elevation information so the elevations will need to be corrected by adjusting the polylines Z property in a CAD program or adjusting the elevation features level in Kubla Cubed.

  • Dashed Lines (Outlines, Breaks lines, Contour lines) : Dashed lines often cause problems as they usually get converted to a polyline for each dash. Converting these dash segments back into polylines in CAD is so time consuming it makes the whole process counter productive. The more advanced conversion tools can have special functionality for handling this requirement and can often extract a dashed line as single polyline.

  • Crossed lines (Points): In PDF files point levels are often marked with crosses, there is no concept of a CAD 'point' in a PDF file. Kubla Cubed can extract points from crosses in CAD files so the positions of point levels can often be extracted. Again no elevation will be contained in the points extracted from crossed lines. However Kubla Cubed has the ability to extract elevations from nearby text. If text is also successfully extracted from the PDF then both position and elevation of points can be extracted.

  • Text (Point Elevations): The CAD importer in Kubla Cubed has the ability to match points with nearby text that may contain elevation information. This means that if we can extract text from the PDF file and the crosses of points we can import points with their elevations into Kubla Cubed. A frequent problem with this is that some programs save text into PDF files as collections of lines rather than as a text entity (this is usually when a non truetype font has been used). Again some of the more advanced conversion software can try to handle this and convert the polylines representing text back into a CAD text element.
So far I have been experimenting in just extracting contour lines (that are not dashed) and have had some mixed results using the freeware program InkScape.  It seems if the PDF is too complex the DXF export often fails.  However I have heard of better software to do this like :

Able2Extract Standard

Able2Extract Pro



Has anyone else got experience with these?  To me it seems Print2CAD or Back2CAD as it is also known are the market leaders in this area.  They do regular seminars and can do things like convert dashed lines into CAD polylines and extract text using Optical Character Recognition (OCR).

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