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  Matching Colour Key with Contour lines
Posted by: DavidL - 01-30-2023, 12:11 AM - Replies (1)


just recently started this tool for some of my projects to determine extent of site cuts and what not, for hillside cuts and proposed basement cuts. 

I have a question for showing relative lines on images as part of presenting the level of cut and fill. Is there a method to match up the colour keys to the contour lines? 


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  Proposed not working?
Posted by: Ross.Will - 01-27-2023, 02:52 PM - Replies (1)

Hey guys,

I've used Kubla successfully a few times in the past, but it's been a bit since the last time. It seems like the program isn't calculating my platform element. I've gone through all the videos and read the forums but I can't find anything to help.

Other things not working correctly:

  • No cut/fill calculations are displayed on the proposed tab's top left.
  • The 3D view is not working.
I've attached a screenshot of my program since these forums require a URL to link a pic.

Thank you!

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  Alternate Scenario
Posted by: msnowdowne - 01-16-2023, 02:06 PM - Replies (3)


I came across a situation that required me to look into multiple scenarios for approaching the structure excavation.
This was a traditional lump sum bid-build I submitted a bid for early in 2022.
The short story is that no excavation shoring system was shown on the drawings but there was a small clause that included a performance requirement that was tucked away in the excavation shoring technical specification

"the shoring shall be constructed as substantially watertight such that dewatering inside the shoring system 
does not substantially lower the groundwater table on the outside of the shoring system since lowering of the 
water table on the outside of the shoring system may lead to unacceptable settlements of existing structures and utilities."

The structures comprise 2-27m diameter biosolids storage tanks with a 10m excavation.
The soil conditions would require a massive dewatering system to keep the excavation dry if a traditional open cut excavation is used. Concerns of damaging existing infrastucture + nearby neighbors on wells. Despise the performance clause there was questions as to whether an open cut excavation would be allowed versus a watertight shoring system.

So I created one scenario in Kubla, then duplicated it, renamed, and modified the scenario. The problem is, there are several duplicate phases between the two files. If i had to update one - then i'd have to go update the other. I don't like managing two files so I thought adding another level to the phase tabs on the bottom of the screen would be a solution.

An interesting note, this job had a budget of $20 million.
There was a competitive open bidding process that had a great spread but still way over budget. 
This used to be a one-off in my industry - but it's becoming a much more common!
Bid results for the Simcoe WWTP Upgrades (HST Extra)
1.      Maple $68,599,820.00
2.      NAC $70,709,025.00
3.      Graham $88,958,739.00

Attached Files
.jpg   1a.jpg (Size: 495.67 KB / Downloads: 25)
.jpg   1b.jpg (Size: 447.35 KB / Downloads: 25)
.png   kubla kubed with alternate scenario shown above project baseline.png (Size: 624.02 KB / Downloads: 25)
.jpg   2a.jpg (Size: 503.06 KB / Downloads: 25)
.jpg   2b.jpg (Size: 501.49 KB / Downloads: 25)
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  Unable to see arrow during slope element construction
Posted by: pskrivanos - 01-14-2023, 04:32 AM - Replies (3)


I'm just getting started with Kubla Cubed and have a question regarding the slope element. After I deliniate a slope element outline, I'm unable to see any of the controls that are used to define the slope incline and elevation.  This includes the 3 Points, 3 Points & Offset, Arrow and Arrow & Offset options. For examples, when I select Arrow, the arrow control doesn't appear on top of my plan. 

Any ideas when these controls aren't showing up for me?

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  Colour map of elements
Posted by: msnowdowne - 10-14-2022, 07:48 PM - Replies (1)


I recently had a job where the engineer did not show existing conditions - I was able to get a round it by using an orthographic satellite image of the site to takeoff the removals.
When a subcontractor asked which areas are asphalt roads and which are grassed, it wasn't easy to send him a map.
I had to take pictures of me selecting each element type to highlight them in the map.

see Picture 1 and 2 (first and last pic)

I think a solution is do add a setting under View to turn off cut/fill shading and turn on a solid colour or hatching to each element.
As the colour that has priority is on top it's be helpful to the modeler as the element order of precedence is right in your face; you can see what element has priority very easily.
This is important as it will hide outlines if they don't have priority.
The drawings become extremely messy if you don't hide the lines in an element that is behind another.
I included a picture of another job at the bottom where there are a lot of elements and it can be tough to manage it solely in your head.

I just realized the report function does something similar to this. Except it's showing surface elements on top of other elements which is not what I'm looking for. 
See pic 3 (middle pic), the large ditch along the bottom right side of the drawing is to receive 150mm topsoil (Element = Topsoil @ Main Site).
The ditch element is just applying contours - not telling it what type of surfacing it will get (paving/concrete/topsoil/etc).

see Picture 3, 4, and 5 (middle three pics)

Have a nice weekend.

Sorry - i can get the pics to show up in order.
The picture title from top to bottom is in this order: 1, 4, 3, 5, 2

Attached Files
.png   1.png (Size: 175.75 KB / Downloads: 42)
.png   4.png (Size: 402.72 KB / Downloads: 37)
.png   3.png (Size: 656.8 KB / Downloads: 37)
.png   5.png (Size: 1,013.62 KB / Downloads: 37)
.gif   2.gif (Size: 800.43 KB / Downloads: 39)
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  Yard Piping Takeoff
Posted by: msnowdowne - 10-14-2022, 02:53 PM - No Replies

I'd like to get more out of the ditch element feature.
By adding a some data tables and variables I can calculate everything I need to price the yard piping.

pipe trench quantity requirements:
1. trench length - currently doesn't show up in excel report
       -is it possible to provide a drill down of the quantities from point to point?
2. pipe invert at each point - add text field to store this value and based on default offset can be used to calc underside of ex.
3. trench width for each run 
        -this can change for each run depending on shoring methods (I may trench box under a road but not under a field).
4. trench profile - shoring type along each run of pipe - see pics.
       -I think like the pipe data table (see picture item 3), it's best to just give us a blank table to determine different profile types. There will be a million different types like twin pipe trenches etc.
        -as you can see from attached photo - headworks sub ex & headworks shaft ex. - you can do two phased excavation but for a pipe trench this will lead to way to many phases and duplicate effort. For a large structure it's a different story.
5. backfill - most cuts have a corresponding fill. Road Cut / Topsoil Cut / Pipe Cut - generally you're cutting to put something in it's place. this causes a lot of duplicate effort copying outlines / elements / re-typing descriptions.
       -is it possible to add a check box that creates a corresponding fill element in the next phase with the same name and outlines?
       -i know it's possible the backfill parameters can vary- but as a baseline just fill within what you cut (instead of filling up to proposed grade).
       -pipe length and cross sectional area are now in so the pipe volume can be deducted.
6. Add Manhole Excn at points - this is a logical progression but this post is already a monster so for future dev maybe.


FYI the last photo is the yard piping package of a job I'm working on.
please help me do this in the program I hate doing it in excel.

Attached Files
.jpg   trench data tables.jpg (Size: 1.2 MB / Downloads: 27)
.jpg   heaworks - sub ex.jpg (Size: 204.96 KB / Downloads: 28)
.jpg   heaworks - shaft ex.jpg (Size: 191.73 KB / Downloads: 28)
.jpg   yard pipe layout - simcoe WWTP.jpg (Size: 588 KB / Downloads: 27)
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  import IFC
Posted by: msnowdowne - 09-08-2022, 03:21 PM - Replies (2)


I've attached a 3D PDF of an IFC file of a concrete tank.

Is it possible to import this IFC (or 3D PDF) and place it within the model as an existing or new structure? It could define the excavation outlines (1m from slab edge) as well as backfill volumes against the building.

Theoretically if I had good quality CAD files of existing/ proposed/ pavement outlines/ and IFCs of all new and existing structures. I could model a job very fast.

This one is a bit out there but probably the future?

Note that I don't think 3D PDFs are favoured by big software companies - IFC seems to be the way things are going to go.

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  Sketch to Scale
Posted by: msnowdowne - 09-08-2022, 03:15 PM - Replies (4)


Is it possible to create outlines of elements using a sketch to scale tool?

If i have a 50m wide excavation, i have to scale it using the measure tool, then trace the length. 
I do a lot of circular excavations and it's not fun tracing circles.

1. Circular outline
2. Rectangular Outline
3. Polyline (start at a point, then provide length and degrees to move to next point.)


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  Copy Outline Error Crash
Posted by: msnowdowne - 09-08-2022, 03:11 PM - Replies (2)


I think I found a bug.
When I try to copy an outline from element to another.
It automatically expects you to start your outline, but you have to cancel that outline THEN copy in the outline you want.
If you copy it before closing the current outline it will crash the program.

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  Dealing with Existing Structures
Posted by: msnowdowne - 09-08-2022, 03:06 PM - No Replies

Currently I model existing structures as a building pad and use a reduce element to stop other elements from cutting into my structure.
In order to move these structures between phases (of which I have a lot) I have to manually create the element and copy each outline into it (if i copy paste the reduce element it errors).

It may be easier to create a new element type for existing structures. It would be carried forward to the next phase unless it is demolished in the current phase (by another element).

An extension to this would be a really awesome tool I can use to see if I'm undermining existing structures / pipes that will require expensive shoring to maintain. As you are identifying not only the outline of the existing structure, but the elevations.

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